Which is the only planet to have liquid water on its surface?

Which is the only planet to have liquid water on its surface?

Earth is the only known planet to have bodies of liquid water on its surface. In our solar system, Earth orbits around the sun in an area called the habitable zone. The temperature, along with an ample amount of atmospheric pressure within this zone, allows water to be liquid for long periods of time.

Is the Earth the only place where liquid water is stable?

While it is true that the Earth is the only place where liquid water is stable at the surface, there’s ice almost everywhere. Many scientists also infer that liquid water may exist beneath the surfaces on several bodies.

Is there water on other planets in our Solar System?

The temperature, along with an ample amount of atmospheric pressure within this zone, allows water to be liquid for long periods of time. Evidence points to water on other planets in our solar system.

Why does the Earth have so much water?

Answer Wiki. Earth, our blue planet is home to millions of organisms due to availability of water on it. The water remain on its surface because of two reasons. One is its size that increases its gravitational force to hold water and the second one is its distance from sun which prevents the evaporation of too much of water.

Why is Earth referred to as a watery planet?

Why Is Earth A Watery Planet? Approximately 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. As a result, it is fondly referred to as the “Watery Planet,” “Blue Marble,” and “Blue Planet.”. Water exists in three forms: ice, liquid, and gas.

How much of the Earth is covered with water?

Approximately 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water. As a result, it is fondly referred to as the “Watery Planet,” “Blue Marble,” and “Blue Planet.” Water exists in three forms: ice, liquid, and gas.

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