Table of Contents
- 1 How do I know if I have a hydrocele?
- 2 How do you treat hydrocele?
- 3 How can I check my own hydrocele?
- 4 What happens if a hydrocele is not treated?
- 5 What happens if a hydrocele bursts?
- 6 Is hydrocele surgery painful?
- 7 What should you do if you have a hydrocele?
- 8 What does it mean when a male has a hydrocele?
How do I know if I have a hydrocele?
Usually, the only indication of a hydrocele is a painless swelling of one or both testicles. Adult men with a hydrocele might experience discomfort from the heaviness of a swollen scrotum. Pain generally increases with the size of the inflammation.
How do you treat hydrocele?
There are no medications available to treat a hydrocele. A hydrocele usually does not need to be surgically repaired. A hydrocele typically goes away on its own within six to 12 months of age. If the hydrocele does not resolve on its own, then it needs to be surgically repaired to prevent further complications.
What causes a hydrocele in adults?
A small number of hydroceles are caused when something is wrong with one of the testicles (testes). For example, infection, inflammation, injury or tumours of your testicle (testis) may cause fluid to be formed which leads to a hydrocele forming.
What can be mistaken for hydrocele?
What is a varicocele? This condition can be easily confused with a hydrocele since both involve swelling. But varicoceles are caused by enlarged, dilated veins in the testicles and is unrelated to any fluid retention.
How can I check my own hydrocele?
It’s likely to include:
- Checking for tenderness in an enlarged scrotum.
- Applying pressure to the abdomen and scrotum to check for inguinal hernia.
- Shining a light through the scrotum (transillumination). If you or your child has a hydrocele, transillumination will show clear fluid surrounding the testicle.
What happens if a hydrocele is not treated?
A non-communicating hydrocele usually remains the same size or has a very slow growth. If a communicating hydrocele does not go away on its own and is not treated, it can lead to an inguinal hernia. In this condition, part of the intestine or intestinal fat pushes through an opening (inguinal canal) in the groin area.
Can a hydrocele pop?
Occasionally, hydroceles can become significantly enlarged and cause patients to suffer from great discomfort secondary to increased intrascrotal pressure and size. In rare situations, a hydrocele may rupture spontaneously or secondary to trauma, resulting in decompression of the hydrocele.
What is a loculated hydrocele?
An encysted hydrocele or a non-communicating type of inguinal hydrocoele, is a loculated fluid collection along the spermatic cord, separated from and located above the testicle and the epididymis, as a result of aberrant closure of the processus vaginalis.
What happens if a hydrocele bursts?
A large hydrocele may obstruct the testicular blood supply, leading to atrophy and impairment of fertility. There are other complications such as hemorrhage, rupture or calcification of the fluid.
Is hydrocele surgery painful?
This surgery was done to remove the fluid and to stop the buildup of fluid in the scrotum. After your surgery, you may feel more tired than usual and have some mild groin pain for several days. Your groin and scrotum may be swollen or bruised. This usually gets better in 2 to 3 weeks.
Is a hydrocele an emergency?
This is a serious and painful condition that requires emergency surgery to prevent having to have the testicle removed. This problem happens most commonly in a boy’s early teen years. With a hydrocele, the scrotum is enlarged but it is not tender or painful.
What happens if hydrocele goes untreated?
What should you do if you have a hydrocele?
While this condition is generally painless, it is best to have the hydrocele examined by a doctor to rule out any dangerous causes of the hydrocele. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also cause hydroceles. If you have a hydrocele and have had unprotected sex, be sure to rule out this possible cause.
What does it mean when a male has a hydrocele?
A hydrocele is when fluid fills a male’s scrotum, causing it to swell. It is not a major health issue but it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. Hydroceles are more common in male infants than adults, and there are treatments to solve the problem. What is a hydrocele? A hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the scrotum.
Where does the fluid go in a hydrocele?
A sac of fluid goes with each testicle. Usually, the tunnel and the sac seal off before birth, and the baby ’s body absorbs the fluid inside. When this process doesn’t go as it should, they can get a hydrocele. There are two types of hydrocele:
Is it normal to have hydroceles in your scrotum?
A hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the scrotum. Most develop for no apparent reason and are harmless. Hydroceles are normally painless. Large hydroceles may cause discomfort because of their size. Walking or sexual activity may become uncomfortable if you have a very large hydrocele.