Why only H2SO4 is used in KMnO4 titration?

Why only H2SO4 is used in KMnO4 titration?

Titrations with Permanganate must be carried out in strong acid solution. Sulfuric Acid is generally used for this purpose because Nitric Acid and Hydrochloric Acid can participate in competing oxidation-reduction reactions, reducing the accuracy of the titration.

Which acid is used in redox titration?

The acid used in this titration is dilute sulphuric acid. Nitric acid is not used as it is itself an oxidising agent and hydrochloric acid is usually avoided because it reacts with KMnO4 according to the equation given below to produce chlorine and chlorine which is also an oxidising agent in the aqueous solution.

Why should we add sulphuric acid?

Sulfuric acid is also a key substance in the chemical industry. It is most commonly used in fertilizer manufacture, but is also important in mineral processing, oil refining, wastewater processing, and chemical synthesis.

Why HCl is not used in redox titration?

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is usually not used in the process of titration because it reacts with the indicator potassium permanganate (KMnO4) that is used in the process. It reacts with KMnO4 solution and gets oxidized which further results in the liberation of chlorine gas.

Why dilute H2SO4 is used in titration?

As dilute sulfuric acid is ideal for redox titration because it is neither an oxidizing agent and nor a reducing agent.

Why is KMnO4 used in titration?

In this titration, the analyte is oxalic acid and the titrant is potassium permanganate. The oxalic acid acts as a reducing agent, and the KMnO4 acts as an oxidizing agent. KMnO4 acts as an indicator of where the permanganate ions are a deep purple colour.

Why phosphoric acid is added in redox titration?

In the redox titration of iron(III) with permanganate or dichromate, we use phosphoric(V) acid to “mask” the color of iron(III) because it interferes with the end point color change.

Why is H2SO4 added to water during electrolysis?

An addition of acid like sulphuric acid makes it an electrolyte. In the presence of H+ and ions SO4−2​, water becomes capable of dissociation. Sulphuric acid does not take part in the reaction but promotes the reaction or increases the rate of the reaction.

Why is H2SO4 used instead of HCl?

Sulfuric acid is used because it is stable towards oxidation; whereas, for example, hydrochloric acid would be oxidized to chlorine by permanganate.

Why Sulphuric acid is used in redox titration Why not HCl and HNO3?

HCl and HNO3 are not used in the titration of Mohr’s salt in place of sulfuric acid because: HCl is a mild reducing agent and it reacts with some of the indicator that is KMnO4 solution so the final value of the indicator used come to be more than the actual value disturbing the experiment.

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