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Why are kereru endangered?
Nationally, the kererū population is considered to be stable but its numbers are gradually declining in areas where predation and illegal hunting are unchecked. Rats, stoats, cats and possums eat their eggs and young; stoats and cats will also attack and kill adult kererū.
Are kereru protected?
Kereru are a protected species but some iwi want to hunt the birds for cultural reasons. Wood pigeons or kereru have been a protected species since 1922, but some Māori are now calling for the Department of Conservation to allow hunting of the birds for cultural practices.
Can you hunt kereru?
Although the kererū was traditionally hunted for its meat and feathers, hunting of the bird is now illegal. The most serious threat to the kererū comes from predators. Recent studies in several parts of the country have found that many nests produce no chicks at all.
Are kereru endemic to NZ?
Found throughout New Zealand from Northland to Stewart Island/Rakiura and offshore islands, the kererū was historically abundant throughout the country.
Are wood pigeons endangered?
Not extinct
Typical pigeons/Extinction status
Does kereru mate for life?
Breeding. Kererū are monogamous and are often seen in pairs. In good conditions, they can live up to 21 years, but they are slow breeders with only one egg laid per clutch.
Can I shoot a wood pigeon?
As an agricultural pest, the woodpigeon can cause damage, or even devastation, to crops throughout the year and therefore is permitted on the General Licence to be shot throughout the year. A local farmer phoned to ask for help on his peas and so it was an opportunity to plan a day’s shooting.
Is it illegal to shoot Pukeko in NZ?
They can be shot for sport during the shooting season. Pūkeko have been culled in the past to protect threatened species. One example of this was on Great Barrier Island after an alarming drop in the numbers of New Zealand’s rarest waterfowl species, the brown teal/pāteke.
Is it illegal to shoot birds NZ?
Most species of wildlife (including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians), native or introduced, are absolutely protected under the Act. No-one may kill or have in their possession any such bird or animal, unless they have a permit.
Is it illegal to shoot wood pigeons?
In the United States, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 1918 protects native wild birds, making it illegal to kill them or remove their nests. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, a permit must be obtained.
Are jackdaws protected?
Jackdaws, like other members of the crow family, are protected animals in the U.K., and permits to kill or trap them can only be granted to prevent serious damage to crops, livestock, public health or other wild birds.