What was the importance of the Lewis and Clark and the Pike expeditions?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was the first occasion for United States citizens to travel so far by river and land into the West, but it certainly wasn’t the last. Upon their return they provided detailed maps, reports about natural resources, and details about the indigenous populations they encountered.
What best compares Lewis and Clark’s expedition with Zebulon Pike’s expedition?
Answer: Both expeditions provided the United States valuable information about the trans-Mississippi west.
What were some of the challenges that Pike faced during his expedition?
Pike and his party faced many hardships: hostile tribes, bewildering canyons, sub-zero temperatures, and near-starvation. Looking to get their bearings in Colorado, they attempted, unsuccessfully, to summit the mountain now known as Pike’s Peak.
What happened to Pike during his expedition?
The expedition documented the United States’ discovery of Tava which was later renamed Pikes Peak in honor of Pike. After splitting up his men, Pike led the larger contingent to find the headwaters of the Red River. A smaller group returned safely to the US Army fort in St. Louis, Missouri before winter set in.
What did the Pike expedition accomplish?
Pike’s second expedition, 1806-1807, was designed to accomplish several goals, including providing an escort for fifty-one Osage Indians ransomed from the Potawatomi tribe and a delegation of Pawnees, Osages, and Otos returning from a trip to see President Jefferson; negotiating a peace between the Kansas and Osage …
Who were Lewis and Clark and what did they do?
Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) was a U.S. military expedition, led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest. The expedition was a major chapter in the history of American exploration.
How did the Lewis and Clark Expedition affect the United States?
The expedition opened up new territory for the fur and lumber trade and pointed out the best lands for future settlement and agriculture. It allowed a young country to blossom into greatness, because more land had equated to more resources and therefore, more power. The influence of the expedition is incalculable.