How did chief Naiche die?

How did chief Naiche die?

Naiche died of influenza on March 16, 1919 in Mescalero, New Mexico. Among his descendants: Elbys Onea Naiche Hugar. Silas Cochise.

Who was chief Naiche?

Chief Naiche was the final hereditary chief of the Chiricahua band of Apache Indians. Born into the Chokonen band of Chiricahua Apache around 1857, Naiche was the second son of Cochise and Dos-teh-seh, Cochise’s first and principal wife.

Where is Naiche buried?

Christian Naiche

Birth 1856
Death 16 Mar 1919 (aged 62–63) Otero County, New Mexico, USA
Burial Mescalero Indian Cemetery Mescalero, Otero County, New Mexico, USA Show Map
Memorial ID 15844416 · View Source

Who was the leader of the Chiricahua Apache?

Geronimo, Indian name Goyathlay (“One Who Yawns”), (born June 1829, No-Doyohn Canyon, Mex. —died Feb. 17, 1909, Fort Sill, Okla., U.S.), Bedonkohe Apache leader of the Chiricahua Apache, who led his people’s defense of their homeland against the military might of the United States.

Does Cochise have any descendants?

Cochise (c. 1805 – June 8, 1874) was a reluctant Apache warrior, but a persistent one who survived the Battle of Apache Pass to fight on another decade. His descendants, who live on reservation lands granted after the Indian Wars in Mescalero, New Mexico, are inheritors of that doggedness.

Who captured Cochise?

Mexican forces captured Cochise at one point in 1848 during an Apache raid on Fronteras, Sonora, but he was exchanged for nearly a dozen Mexican prisoners.

Where is Cochise grave?

Cochise Stronghold, Arizona, United States
Cochise/Place of burial

Cochise honored a peace treaty forged in 1872 and remained on the short-lived Chiricahua Reservation until his death two years later. He was buried among the granite outcroppings of the Dragoon Mountains in an area now known as Cochise Stronghold.

Is Geronimo related to Cochise?

But the Chiricahua leader, Geronimo’s father-in-law, Cochise, could see where the future was headed.

What happened to Geronimo after he surrendered?

He spent the last 23 years of his life as a prisoner of war. Following their surrender, Geronimo and the Chiricahuas—including the Apache army scouts that had helped catch him—were condemned to manual labor at army camps in Florida.

Where is Yung Cochise from?

The 22-year-old’s family hails from Jamaica, which makes sense given his biggest influences are Busta Rhymes and Bob Marley. With his sound, he creates his own fusion of dancehall and hip-hop, blending them with vibrant lyrics referencing anime, sports, movies, and pop culture as a whole.

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