Why do places on the same latitude have different climates?

Why do places on the same latitude have different climates?

Temperature differences of larger areas at greater distances (climate) , along the same latitude, are usually caused by either major air currents like the Jet Stream or major ocean currents like the Gulf Stream. They can cause either warmer or colder temperatures (for that latitude).

Why do two places located at same latitude and different altitude show different temper?

Explanation: In the same latitude, cities are closer to the equator and closer to the poles they cause mainly to a different temperature. The temperature of the two cities has the same latitude but they will vary to the higher latitude to the other.

Why do places have different climates?

The climate of a region depends on many factors including the amount of sunlight it receives, its height above sea level, the shape of the land, and how close it is to oceans. Since the equator receives more sunlight than the poles, climate varies depending on its distance from the equator.

What factors could cause the difference in climate between the two locations?

The two most important factors in the climate of an area are temperature and precipitation. The yearly average temperature of the area is obviously important, but the yearly range in temperature is also important. Some areas have a much larger range between highest and lowest temperature than other areas.

Does same latitude mean same climate?

Along the East Coast of the USA, the Gulf Stream provides a source of warmth ( 26.5 degrees Celsius waters), which helps to feed up the hurricane. In the Canary Islands, however, ocean-surface temperatures rarely rise above the low 20º C, even in the middle of summer.

How does latitude affect climate?

Latitude or distance from the equator – Temperatures drop the further an area is from the equator due to the curvature of the earth. As a result, more energy is lost and temperatures are cooler.

How are latitude and altitude similar and different?

Latitude refers to the distance of a location on Earth’s surface from the equator in relation to the North and South poles (e.g., Florida has a lower latitude than Maine); altitude is defined as how high a location is above sea level (think: a city in the mountains has a high altitude).

Can areas with different climates have the same weather?

Whereas weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area. Different regions can have different climates. Weather tells you what to wear each day.

How does latitude affect the climate of a place?

How different factors affect the climate of an area?

The temperature characteristics of a region are influenced by natural factors such as latitude, elevation, and the presence of ocean currents. The precipitation characteristics of a region are influenced by factors such as proximity to mountain ranges and prevailing winds.

Why do cities in Britain and Canada at the same latitudes have different climates?

Answer 2: It is because most of Europe has the advantage of the warm ocean current coming north from the tropics. There is then little interaction with colder air masses and colder ocean currents, so the overall weather in Europe is in general warmer that that seen in Alaska and Northern Canada.

How can two cities have the same latitude but different climates?

How can two cities have the same latitude but different climates? Bodies of water, because water has a high heat capacity, and so will hold the heat from summer for longer in the winter. Also, ocean currents.

Why do Places on the same lines of latitude have different?

Temperature differences of larger areas at greater distances (climate) , along the same latitude, are usually caused by either major air currents like the Jet Stream or major ocean currents like the Gulf Stream. There are similar air and water currents found all over the world.

How does the latitude of a place affect the climate?

Latitude is only one factor which determines the climate or even simply the rainfall pattern, temperature pattern etc. The climate is also determined by wind pattern, relief(how high the place is) etc. Why can two places have the same average temperatures but still have different climates?

Why are some places warmer than others in the world?

There are similar air and water currents found all over the world. They can cause either warmer or colder temperatures (for that latitude).

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