Is Erica and Warryn Campbell still married?

Is Erica and Warryn Campbell still married?

During an interview on OWN in 2017, he explained, “I went and actually started staying in New York more; she (Erica) was on the road,” he said. Warryn confirmed that the mistress got pregnant, but wound up not having the baby. Erica and Warryn are still married.

When did Erica Campbell get married?

May 26, 2001 (Warryn Campbell)
Erica Campbell/Wedding dates

What happened to Erica Campbell’s husband?

Erica, who married her producer Warryn Campbell in May 2001, says her heart was broken after her husband one day confessed to having an affair. “He told me he had been unfaithful and that it had been years back,” Erica explains. “He thought that if he just stopped and kept moving forward it would be fine.

Are Tina and Erica’s husbands related?

Erica and Tina were born Erica and Trecina Atkins. Both took their husbands’ name, Campbell, but their husbands are not related. It’s strictly coincidence that the two sisters managed to find two unrelated musicians with the same last name and married them. Erica and Warryn have two children; Tina and Teddy have three.

Who is Erica Campbell married to?

Warryn Campbellm. 2001
Erica Campbell/Spouse

She is married to Warryn Campbell, with whom she resides in Los Angeles, together with their three children, Krista Nicole, Warryn III, and Zaya Monique.

How long has Tina Campbell been married?

Watch: Teddy & Tina Campbell Celebrate 21 Years Of Marriage With New Song. To celebrate their 21 years of marriage, Teddy and Tina Campbell released a new single called “21” and a music video to match.

Where is Erica Campbell from?

Inglewood, California, United States
Erica Campbell/Place of birth

Where is Erica Campbell today?

Personal life. She is married to Warryn Campbell, with whom she resides in Los Angeles, together with their three children, Krista Nicole, Warryn III, and Zaya Monique.

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