What should I do if my guinea pig keeps sneezing?

What should I do if my guinea pig keeps sneezing?

Guinea pig sneezes may also be the result of an allergy to a particular thing, like a strong scent of perfume for example. Symptoms of an allergy can sometimes be similar to a URI, but if you are concerned, always see a vet to first check if it is the serious issue of a URI, before looking at any potential allergies.

When should I worry about my guinea pig sneezing?

A guinea pig sneezes between two and four times a day. This is entirely normal and isn’t cause for concern. However, anything more than that could be a sign of an allergic reaction to something or a respiratory infection.

How many times should a guinea pig sneeze?

When you first hear your piggy emit a tiny sneeze, you might be concerned that it’s a sign that they’re poorly. But actually, it’s totally normal for guinea pigs to sneeze between two and four times a day.

How do I know if my guinea pig has a respiratory infection?

Upper Respiratory Infection/Pneumonia Symptoms include labored and/or rapid breathing, discharge from the eyes and nostrils, lethargy, inappetance, sneezing, and coughing. Upper respiratory infections are commonly seen in newly acquired guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs catch a cold?

Colds in guinea pigs It’s wise to keep a safe distance from your pet if you have the snuffles, as guinea pigs can catch colds from humans. If your guinea pig shows any signs of a cold, such as a runny nose or sneezing, keep him warm and provide plenty of water.

Do guinea pigs sneeze a lot?

Guinea pigs can sometimes expel air from their nose and sneeze as we do. This will sound very high-pitched, but is unmistakably a sneeze. If your guinea pig is sneezing a lot, then it may be cause for concern, as it could be indicative of an infection or an allergy.

Does my guinea pig have a URI?

There are several symptoms of a URI that you should look out for. These include refusal to eat or drink, no faeces, a slight rumble or crackle in the chest when breathing (lift the guinea pig up to your ear to check), sneezing, coughing, lethargy and a puffed up coat.

Why do guinea pigs cry?

Guinea pigs with scream when they have a fright or when they are in a fight with another animal. Pay close attention to your pet if you hear a scream. Squeal: Some guinea pigs will squeal when they are experiencing potential pain or they need attention.

Do guinea pigs get colds?

Respiratory problems are fairly common illnesses in guinea pigs. The problem is most often upper respiratory (a guinea pig cold), but it can be lower respiratory (guinea pig pneumonia). It can start as a cold and become pneumonia, and it can also start as a cold and pneumonia simultaneously.

Why is my guinea pig making a wheezing sound?

Fast or labored breathing can be a signal your guinea pig has an upper respiratory infection, a common ailment among guinea pigs. A clicking or crackling sound from the lungs often accompanies dyspnea, as well as sneezing, wheezing and discharge from the nose and/or eyes.

Why does my guinea pig have a runny nose?

If on diagnosis it turns out that the guinea pig has a runny nose because of inhaled dust from the bedding, it is a simple matter to change it. Most of the cheaper guinea pig bedding materials is made of soft wood shavings or poorer quality hay, both of which have a tendency to be dusty.

Why is your guinea pigs sneezing a lot?

In the vast majority of cases, guinea pigs sneeze because they inhaled dust or debris . This cause is very similar to the reason humans sneeze. Simply put, they get something extremely small stuck in their nose and sneezing helps dislodge it. This happens most commonly when guinea pigs are given fresh hay.

Why is my guinea pig coughing?

When guinea pigs cough, it is usually caused by a small irritation in their windpipe which can be caused by something like dust or something similar. Dusty hay is often a cause of a guinea pig coughing.

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