What makes a good settlement site?

What makes a good settlement site?

Early settlements local raw materials, eg wood and stone, to build homes. a local water supply for drinking, washing, cooking and transport. dry land, so that people could build on areas that don’t flood. a defendable site, eg a hilltop or river bend, to protect from attackers.

What determines the site for a settlement?

The site of a settlement is the land upon which it was built. There is a range of human and physical factors that determine the site of a settlement. The factors that affect the site of a settlement include: relief – the shape of the land affects where buildings are constructed and flat land is preferable for building.

What are the 7 settlement factors?

As a class we discussed: mountains, lava fields, safety (need for curves), the environment, recreation, soil, etc……Physical Features

  • Body of water (transportation routes, water for drinking and farming)
  • Flat land (easy to build)
  • Fertile soil (for crops)
  • Forests (timber and housing)

What are the 6 settlement factors?

Factors that Influence Settlement.

  • Physical factors.
  • Drainage/rivers.
  • Land quality.
  • Altitude and relief.
  • Coastal location.
  • Human factors.
  • Communications.
  • What are the 2 types of settlement?

    Settlements can broadly be divided into two types – rural and urban.

    What are 3 types of settlements?

    Settlement Types There are generally three types of settlements: compact, semi-compact, and dispersed. Each is based on its population density.

    What are the different types of settlement Class 7?

    Types of Settlement

    • Temporary Settlement: Settlements that are occupied for a short time are temporary settlements.
    • Permanent Settlement: In these settlements people build homes to live in.
    • Rural Settlement: These comprise of the villages where the people are engaged in agriculture and allied activities.

    What are the characteristics of a settlement site?

    Settlement site and situation. The piece of land upon which a settlement is built is the settlement site. There are many reasons why a site might be chosen for the development of a settlement and some factors will be more important than others. Wet point sites – these have a good water supply. Many settlements grew around wet point sites, eg

    What should the settlement of a filled area be?

    The acceptable degree of settlement depends on the type of function the embankment is required to serve, e.g. to carry a highway or railway or for building developments. In some cases, the major part of the settlement should be induced before the filled area is required to be used.

    What causes settlement of embankments and filled areas?

    COMMENTARY ON Settlement of embankments and filled areas can occur as a result of any or all of the following forms of load which are divided into “internal” and “external” forms of loading in the following sections: settlement of the fill due to loads placed upon the fill (e.g. by structures).

    When does settlement of a shallow foundation take place?

    The settlement of a shallow foundation can be divided into two major categories: (a) elastic, or immediate settlement and (b) consolidation settlement. Immediate, or elastic settlement. Immediate, or elastic settlement of a foundation takes place during or immediately after the construction of the structure.

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