What country is across from Florida?

What country is across from Florida?

The peninsula is bordered by the Gulf of Mexico in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, and by the Straits of Florida in the south. Several Caribbean countries are geographically close to Florida, particularly The Bahamas and Cuba.

What latitude is Florida on?

27.6648° N, 81.5158° W

What is at the same latitude as me?

Portland, Maine (43:40) is at about the same latitude as Portland, Oregon (45:30). European countries that are completely or mostly further north than Maine include the following: Ireland, Britain, all Scandinavian countries, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Russia.

What countries are on my latitude?

List of countries by latitude

Latitude Locations
15° S Angola; Zambia; Mozambique; Malawi; Madagascar; northern Australia; Vanuatu; French Polynesia; Peru; Bolivia; Brazil
30° S South Africa; Lesotho; southern Australia; Chile; Argentina; Southern Brazil
45° S New Zealand; Chile; Argentina

What’s across from the Atlantic Ocean?

If you jumped in the ocean at Atlantic City, N.J., and started swimming in a straight line, where in the world do you think you would end up? The answer, surprisingly, is South America, according to a new map project by cartographer Andy Woodruff.

What is the closest latitude to Florida?

The latitude of Florida, USA is 27.994402, and the longitude is -81.760254….Florida, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info.

Country United States
Latitude 27.994402
Longitude -81.760254
DMS Lat 27° 59′ 39.8472” N
DMS Long 81° 45′ 36.9144” W

Which line of latitude is the closest to Florida?

In the United States, the 31st parallel defines part of the border between Mississippi and Louisiana, and part of the border between Alabama and Florida.

Is the UK on the same latitude as Canada?

Is the UK on the same latitude as Canada? London England is at the same latitude as Red Bay, Labrador. Without the gulf stream, London’s climate would be similar to Labrador’s.

What countries are on the same latitude as UK?

Can you name the Countries at the Same Latitude or Longitude as the UK?

Country % Correct
Longitude Ireland 61.5%
Latitude Ireland 61.5%
Longitude Ghana 61%
Longitude Algeria 59.9%

What is the latitude of Miami Florida?

25.7617° N, 80.1918° W

What is on the same latitude as Hawaii?

Hawaii shares the same general latitude of 20°N with cities and environments such as Hong Kong, Mecca, the Sahara Desert and Mexico City. The state of Hawaii has four counties: City and County of Honolulu, Kauai, Maui and Hawaii (the Big Island).

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