Is sapphire blue same as royal blue?

Is sapphire blue same as royal blue?

Cornflower Blue Sapphires can often be seen in lighter hue of blue and possess a tint of violet due to its lighter tone. Whereas, Royal Blue Sapphires can be found in full vivid blue tone. The tone of the color is scaled from 2 to 8, with 2 being “very light” and 8 being “very dark”.

Is sapphire blue a color?

Sapphire is generally known as a blue gemstone but surprisingly it comes in a wide range of colors and quality variations. Sapphires that are not blue are known as fancy sapphires, and may be any color—except red (which is a ruby). The fancy sapphire colors are: pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, and violet.

Does sapphire come in light blue?

Blue sapphires are the most popular and sought after type of sapphire. Blue sapphires come in various hues, from pale baby blue to rich royal blue. The most prized color is a strong vivid velvety blue to violetish-blue, in medium to medium-dark tones.

What does sapphire blue mean?

Blue sapphires signified the height of celestial faith and hope in the ancient and medieval worlds. They were also believed to have properties of protection, bringing spiritual insight, and good fortune. These precious stones remain a strong symbol of strength, power, kindness and good judgement in this day and age.

What Colour blue sapphire is best?

royal blue
The best color for a natural blue sapphire is an intense, velvety, deep royal blue. This color of sapphire would be considered AAA quality, the rarest and most valuable. The second best color is a medium rich blue, or AA quality. Any blue sapphires that have a slight gray undertone fit into the A category.

How can I tell if my blue sapphire is real?

Look for Flaws Use a magnifying glass or a jeweler’s loupe to check for impurities and flaws within your sapphire. Check for small flaws or specks within the stone. These are an indication that your stone is real. Lab-created sapphires are generally flawless in their composition.

Is sapphire a rare gem?

Sapphires are the most valuable and rarest blue colored natural gemstones. They are a highly desirable gemstone due to their beautiful royal blue color, hardness (second only to diamonds), durability, and luster (sparkle from light performance within the gemstone).

Are blue sapphires bad luck?

Sapphires Bring Bad Luck It is believed that sapphire is a manifestation of Lord Shani/Saturn. If the stone doesn’t suit the person wearing, it is supposed to bring them immense bad luck. In fact, sapphires were often worn by medieval kings, who believed that the gemstones would protect them from their enemies.

Who should not wear Neelam?

Capricorn and Aquarius can wear blue sapphire with excellent positive outcomes as Saturn is their lord. Libra too has a cordial relation with Saturn but only when the latter is in 1st,4th,5th and 9th house. For Leo and Scorpio ascendant, blue sapphire is generally not recommended.

What is the rarest color of sapphire?

The rarest sapphire is the Padparadscha, an extremely rare pink and orange stone that is stunning to behold. However, the most valuable sapphires are the Kashmir variants, which are blue.

Are there any colors of Sapphire besides blue?

While sapphire does come in blue, it can also be found in many colors, including green, white, black, purple, pink, and yellow. You won’t find a red sapphire, though—sapphire is actually a type of stone called a corundum, and a red corundum is known as a ruby.

How long does it take for a sapphire to turn blue?

Treatments. This is done by heating the sapphires in furnaces to temperatures between 500 and 1,800 °C (932 and 3,272 °F) for several hours, or by heating in a nitrogen-deficient atmosphere oven for seven days or more. Upon heating, the stone becomes more blue in color, but loses some of the rutile inclusions (silk).

Where do blue sapphires come from in the world?

This stone is orange and pink simultaneously and can be very expensive. Blue sapphires come from Burma and Kashmir, where the blue tone is the most pure to the true spectral blue, and the stones tend to have a unique velvety luster. Sapphires from Sri Lanka are a less deep shade, almost a pastel blue.

What kind of companies does sapphire blue work for?

Among the notable companies and adult websites that Sapphire has worked for are Twistys, Busty Brits, Nubiles, DDF Busty, Boob Study, 18… See full bio » Show by… Job Year » Rating » Number of Ratings » Genre » Keyword »

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