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Why is aurora so different?
The aurora is most often a pale green, but sometimes it includes purple, pink and even red. The color is determined by which molecules or atoms are getting excited, and where. This is because different atoms give off specific colors, in the exact way that neon lights work.
How do these auroras differ?
The unique colors of light produced by a gas are called its “spectrum”. The auroral lights’ colors are determined by the spectra of gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, and the height at which the most collisions take place. Incoming particles tend to collide with different gases at different heights.
What are the two auroras?
Frequently there are beautiful light shows in the sky. These lights are called auroras. If you’re near the North Pole, it is called an aurora borealis or northern lights. If you’re near the South Pole, it is called an aurora australis or the southern lights.
Are there two aurora borealis?
In the Northern Hemisphere, the phenomenon is called the northern lights (aurora borealis), while in the Southern Hemisphere, it’s called the southern lights (aurora australis).
Do auroras always appear the same?
In the north, the phenomenon is called the aurora borealis or the northern lights. In the Southern Hemisphere, it’s the aurora australis, or southern lights. The name is different and it turns out that the view from each pole can be different too.
Why are auroras called auroras?
The word “aurora” is derived from the name of the Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora, who travelled from east to west announcing the coming of the sun. Ancient Greek poets used the name metaphorically to refer to dawn, often mentioning its play of colours across the otherwise dark sky (e.g., “rosy-fingered dawn”).
How many auroras are there?
In 2019, I visited every town or city named Aurora in the United States. And one in Ontario, for good measure. Depending on how you count, there are as many as 27 Auroras in existence today.
What is another name for aurora?
What is another word for aurora?
cockcrow | dawn |
daybreak | daylight |
light | morn |
morning | sun |
sunrise | sunup |
Does aurora mean Rose?
The name Aurora is primarily a female name of Latin origin that means Dawn. Aurora Borealis is a name for the Northern Lights. Nicknames for Aurora include Arie, Rory, and Aura. The most famous fictional Aurora is Princess Aurora from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty also known as Briar Rose.
Is Aurora a girl name?
Gender: Aurora is historically a feminine noun, having personified an ancient Roman goddess. It is a feminine noun in Latin.
How are Northern Lights and Aurora Australis alike?
The lights are known as ‘Aurora borealis’ in the north and ‘Aurora australis’ in the south. Scientists have learned that in most instances northern and southern auroras are mirror-like images that occur at the same time, with similar shapes and colors.
Why are the colors of the Aurora different?
But since the aurora is much dimmer than sunlight, it cannot be seen from the ground in the daytime. Why the different colors? The color of the aurora depends on which gas is being excited by the electrons and on how much energy is being exchanged.
Are there auroras on other planets besides Earth?
Auroras are not just something that happen on Earth. If a planet has an atmosphere and magnetic field, they probably have auroras. We’ve seen amazing auroras on Jupiter and Saturn. These swirls of red light are an aurora on the south pole of Saturn. Image courtesy of NASA/ESA/STScI/A.
What’s the name of the Aurora in space?
If you’re near the North Pole, it is called an aurora borealis or northern lights. If you’re near the South Pole, it is called an aurora australis or the southern lights. This beautiful view of the aurora was taken from the International Space Station as it crossed over the southern Indian Ocean on September 17, 2011. What makes this happen?