What do you understand by legitimate trade?

What do you understand by legitimate trade?

Legitimate trade was a commercial relation between Europeans and Africans soon after the abolition of slave trade during the 19th century. This trade was called legitimate i.e ‘legit/legal’ which means it replaced illegal ‘Illegitimate’ trade which was SLAVE TRADE. The trade based on unequal exchange.

How was West Africa before the Portuguese affected by trade and commerce?

Using Your Notes West Africa before the Portuguese: a well- established trading network con- nected most of West Africa to the coastal ports of North Africa, and through these ports to markets in Europe and Asia; these routes were important as they helped spread Islam into West Africa.

Which of the following accurately describes global trade in the mid nineteenth century?

Which of the following accurately describes global trade in the mid nineteenth century? People increasingly worked to produce goods they could sell in the global market instead of producing subsistence crops.

Why was trade important to the growth of African civilization?

The trade routes of Ancient Africa played an important role in the economy of many African Empires. Goods from Western and Central Africa were traded across trade routes to faraway places like Europe, the Middle East, and India.

How did nationalist thinkers define the nation?

Nationalist thinkers defined “the nation” in terms of. a shared language and shared history.

Why was trade important to the development of West Africa?

The gold mines of West Africa provided great wealth to West African Empires such as Ghana and Mali. Other items that were commonly traded included ivory, kola nuts, cloth, slaves, metal goods, and beads. As trade developed across Africa, major cities developed as centers for trade.

Why was trade important to ancient African civilizations?

The trade routes of Ancient Africa played an important role in the economy of many African Empires. Goods from Western and Central Africa were traded across trade routes to faraway places like Europe, the Middle East, and India. What did they trade? The main items traded were gold and salt.

What were the most important economic changes in the Philippines in 19th century?

The demand for Philippine sugar and abaca (hemp) grew apace, and the volume of exports to Europe expanded even further after the completion of the Suez Canal in 1869. The growth of commercial agriculture resulted in the appearance of a new class.

Why is the WTO important for international trade?

The WTO provides a ‘common institutional framework for the conduct of trade relations among its Members in matters related to the’ WTO agreements, [*] a series of international treaties that regulate various aspects of international trade.

What is the definition of international trade law?

1. What is international trade law? International trade law governs the way in which states may restrict or regulate trade in goods and services, including in relation to tobacco products.

What is the relationship between who FCTC and international trade law?

Understanding the relationship between the WHO FCTC and international trade law will allow states to manage the relationship between WHO FCTC implementation and international trade law, including in developing their measures and by critically evaluating claims that a measure will breach international trade law. 3.

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