How does Father Byrnes punish Florence for arriving late to catechism?

How does Father Byrnes punish Florence for arriving late to catechism?

When Antonio and Florence are late to catechism lessons, Father Byrnes punishes Florence but not Antonio. Florence stands patiently in the aisle, holding his arms out to his side, while Bones quietly vandalizes a pew near the oblivious Father Byrnes.

What punishment does Antonio give to Florence?

He states that, as priest, he can forgive Florence for blasphemy. Angered by his favoritism, the boys turn on Antonio and jerk his shirt off in a symbol of defrockment; then one of them jumps on his stomach and pounds his chest.

Who is Florence in Bless Me Ultima?

Florence. One of Antonio’s friends. Although Florence does not believe in God, he attends catechism to be with his friends. Florence’s active, vocal questioning of Catholic orthodoxy is partly a result of his own difficult past; both of Florence’s parents are dead, and his sisters have become prostitutes.

Why did Ultima accept her death give reason?

Ultima explains that her teacher told her to do good works but not to interfere with destiny. Her death and Tenorio’s death are simply the restoration of the original harmony.

How does Father Byrnes describe eternity?

Father Byrnes tells a story to emphasize how long an eternity in hell lasts. He talks about a huge mountain of sand being carried grain by grain across wide oceans by a single bird, and the time to move the whole mountain is just the first day of eternity.

What was Gabriel’s response to his son’s visit and why?

4. What was Gabriel’s response to his sons visit, and why? He was very happy to see his boys becuase he thought his dream of going to California would come true.

What did Florence say his sin was?

Antonio thinks his voice is like Ultima’s was when she challenged Tenorio, or Narciso’s when he tried to save Lupito. Florence says it is God who has sinned against him. Florence explains that God sinned against him when he took away his mother and father when he most needed them and made his sisters whores.

Who killed Florence in Bless Me Ultima?

Narciso walks through a blizzard to warn Ultima that Tenorio is threatening her and is killed by Tenorio before he can get there. Antonio witnesses both of these deaths. Florence, the nonbeliever in the story, drowns when he’s swimming where he isn’t supposed to. HIs death greatly affects Antonio.

What are Lupitos last words?

As he crawled out the river and the life left his blood stained body Lupito uttered his two last words to Antonio “Bless Me”.

What happens to Florence in Bless Me Ultima?

The golden carp becomes the god of the here and now, of the beauty that exists in the present. Antonio and Cico decide to inform Florence about the golden carp, but Florence drowns before they can do so.

Why does Florence say he has never sinned?

When the children try to force Florence to play along, Florence states that he has no sins because God has sinned against him. The children shrink in horror and suggest beating, stoning, or killing him for his blasphemy. Antonio shouts that he absolves Florence of all his sins.

What question do Florence and Antonio try to answer?

On the day before catechism, Florence asks Antonio difficult questions about sin and fairness. When the other boys arrive, they ask why Florence goes to catechism class since he is an atheist, but he says he just doesn’t want to be left out.

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