How did the Oaks Colliery disaster happen?

How did the Oaks Colliery disaster happen?

In December 1866 a colliery in Barnsley was ripped apart by a series of explosions over two days, killing at least 361 men and boys, in what remains England’s worst mining disaster. Many volunteer rescuers were still down the pit the next day when another explosion, bigger than the first, took place.

What happened at the Gresford disaster?

The Gresford disaster occurred on 22 September 1934 at Gresford Colliery, near Wrexham, in northeast Wales, when an explosion and underground fire killed 266 men.

Where is the deepest mine in the world?

Mponeng gold mine
The Mponeng gold mine located in the Gauteng province of South Africa, is the deepest operating mine in the world.

Where did the Oaks Colliery disaster take place?

The Oaks Colliery explosion was a British mining disaster which occurred on 12 December 1866, killing 361 miners and rescuers at the Oaks Colliery at Hoyle Mill near Stairfoot in Barnsley, West Riding of Yorkshire.

How deep was Llay Main Colliery?

Sometime after Nationalisation in 1947 the shafts were deepened to 1,000 yards making it the deepest pit the country.

When was the Gresford mining disaster?

September 22, 1934
Gresford disaster/Start dates

How hot is it in a gold mine?

The mine is a dangerous place to work, with an average of five miners dying in accidents each year. The mine is so deep that temperatures in the mine can rise to life-threatening levels. Air-conditioning equipment is used to cool the mine from 55 °C (131 °F) down to a more tolerable 28 °C (82 °F).

How hot is the deepest gold mine?

Mponeng currently holds records as the world’s deepest gold mine and the world’s deepest mine, with depths reaching over 4.0 km below the surface. Because temperatures can reach up to 150°F in the mine at such depths, an ice slurry must be pumped into Mponeng to maintain temperatures that can be withstood by humans.

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