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Where is the outside temperature sensor?
Generally, the outside temperature sensor is located under the front of the hood near the bottom of the car. Although the sensor itself is accurate, the location causes the sensor to pick up heat from the road surface.
How much does it cost to replace an ambient air temperature sensor?
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Replacement Cost – RepairPal Estimate. Labor costs are estimated between $51 and $65 while parts are priced between $34 and $38. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your specific vehicle or unique location. Related repairs may also be needed.
Where is the temperature sensor on a Renault Megane?
Sounds like it could be a temp sensor fault. The sensor on many Renaults is mounted inside one of the door mirrors – usually you’ll find a small nipple protruding from the bottom of the mirror housing. Click to expand… The original query related to the outside (ambient) temp sensor that displays on the dash.
Where is the heater located on a Renault Laguna?
It is located below the water pipes to the heater on the LSH of the air supply unit housing behind the fascia panel. On the passenger side, you unclip the plastic trim piece from the passenger footwell at the side of the centre console.
Is there a temperature sensor on the wing mirror?
Yes can see the sensor on the wing mirror. I’ve read several articles on the temperature sensor on the Megane failing so that either there is no readout or just a specific temperature all the time (i.e. -40°C all the time!). I have not seen anyone with my specific problem.
Where is the es located on a Renault Laguna?
The good news is that if you have managed to get the cover off the motor/sensor unit by the rear mirror etc, you should be able to change the ES! It is located below the water pipes to the heater on the LSH of the air supply unit housing behind the fascia panel.